
Improve Your Mental Health Through Acupuncture

Acupuncture for mental health offers a holistic approach to nurturing both mind and body health. In a world full of stressors and challenges, acupuncture and Oriental medicine seek to restore harmony within complex tissue.

How does Acupuncture for Mental Health Work?

At some point in life, everyone deals with major upheavals or emotional distress. These events can trigger a host of unexpected behaviors and feelings from panic attacks and depression to major disruptions in eating and sleeping.

Acupuncture and Oriental medicine can often alleviate symptoms associated with mental health issues by treating the root cause of the problem and helping to re-balance the internal environment of the body.

Oriental medicine believes that mental health disorders can cause a disruption in the flow of vital energy, called qi, through the body. These energetic imbalances can affect the immune system or cause symptoms such as headaches, abnormal digestion, sleep disturbances, pain, menstrual irregularities and, over time the development of serious illnesses. Acupuncture treatments can correct these imbalances and directly affect the way your body manages your mental health.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Disorders

Oriental medicine does not recognize any mental disorder as one particular syndrome. Rather, it aims to restore the impbalaces and treat the specific symptoms for each individual using a wide range of techniques including acupuncture, dietary or lifestyle recommendations and exercises. Every patient treated will receive a unique and customized treatment with different acupuncture points, and different diet and lifestyle recommendations.

Acupuncture for Mental Health: Treatable Mental Disorders

Depressive Disorders

Symptoms of depression can include feelings of emptiness and worthlessness, fatigue, insomnia, and decreased interest in most activities. Even when depression is sub-clinical, the immune system of the body is compromised reducing how it functions and can impair social relationships or work performance. Acupuncture treatments work to correct such imbalances, support the immune system and affect the way the body manages stress and mental health.

Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)

This is a brain condition that makes it difficult to concentrate or control compulsive behavior. ADD/ADHD does not just occur during childhood however. Acupuncture can help enhance concentration, augment mood management techniques, reduce fidgeting, enhance concentration and reduce hyperactivity.

Anxiety and Stress Disorders

Anxiety can manifest itself in many ways, from mild worrying to physical responses like panic attacks, shortness of breath, insomnia, and nausea. Some anxiety is a healthy response to the stress of daily life and new situations. However, anxiety that occurs randomly or excessively is a sign to take notice. Acupuncture for mental health can help balance the mental and physical symptoms of anxiety and help create spaciousness and harmony.

Mental health issues are best managed when health professionals work together to meet the unique needs of every patient. Acupuncture for mental health is an excellent addition to any treatment plan because it can help restore body balance, treat the root of the condition, and diminish symptoms without medication.

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