
Acupuncture Points Used to Target Weight Loss

Acupuncture for Weight Loss

In the process of using acupuncture for weight loss, acupuncturists use needles, acupuncture points, and needle pressure to stimulate the body’s acupuncture points, which are thought to rebalance your natural state of health. These points are located along the 12 energy meridians as shown in Traditional Chinese medicine. Each meridian controls a specific health function.

Research has shown that acupuncture can aid weight loss as long as the right acupuncture points are stimulated. Stimulating points on the stomach, spleen, and congenital vein meridians can help you lose weight. Below are targeted acupuncture points for weight loss.

In one research review, researchers looked at the utilization of needle therapy and homegrown Chinese medication to a few remedies for heftiness(obesity) utilised in the United States.  The  elective strategies were similarly powerful at treating weight yet had fewer results than the meds.

Likewise, different researchers have discovered that needle therapy can advance weight reduction. However, many of the investigations are small, and testing techniques are not generally thorough. Consequently, it might be hard to say with assurance that weight reduction will happen when you attempt needle therapy. Yet, the training has acquired kindness in some elective medication circles.

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medication practice. Acupuncture/Needle therapy may not be what you thought it is as it is more about energy and less about needles.

As indicated by Chinese medication. When an individual is healthy then the ‘qi’ (life energy) streams openly through meridians (an organization of channels) through the body. In any case, when these channels obstructs, the outcome is agony and affliction.

Acupuncture therapy is an addition of fine needles into the particular meridians that block they way of energy. This inclusion clears blockages and advances a solid progression of energy all through the body. Current professionals consider needle therapy to be an approach to quiet or animate certain muscles, nerves, and connective tissues with fine needles, magnets, and power.

Needle therapy can treat and even fix everything from joint inflammation, constant pain, headaches, pessimism, insomnia or insomnia, processing infertility to tension.

The basic idea of ​​Acupuncture for weight loss:

Needle therapy can stimulate the body’s release of certain synthetics, such as serotonin and endorphins, also called “feel great” or “feel good” chemicals.

So if you’re hoping to feel a little better, needle therapy may have some possible advantages. Because of these mental advantages, if you’re in a positive headspace, you may have the option to pursue your weight loss goals more appropriately.

How does acupuncture for weight loss work?

People who practice needle therapy say, ‘Injection therapy is not witchcraft’. Needle treatment does not remove fat. However, research shows that needle therapy can affect the part of the brain that makes you feel hungry.

Besides reducing hunger and stimulating your vibration, great synapses (neurotransmitters) can reduce pressure and help you get in shape.

If you are aware that stress and anxiety are an important explanation for individuals to gain weight. The interaction of needle therapy differs from person to person, but the foci associated with hunger are close to the ears.

Ear acupuncture therapy for weight loss

The ear is another area that acupuncturists focus on for weight loss. It is accepted that the desire to eat can be limited by controlling the foci in the ear.

It is a comparative treatment used by needle therapists to help smokers and drug users end their addiction.

What does acupuncture do?

  • Acupuncture therapy for weight loss recognizes that needle therapy can stimulate the body’s energy flow (chi) and influence factors that can reverse obesity or obesity.
  • Acupuncture accelerates metabolism and reduces appetite, as well as lowers the level of anxiety and stress in the person.
  • It affects region A of the brain that senses hunger.
  • In fact, several studies suggest that Acupuncture therapy can help treat cancer and different types of sclerosis. However, research for these conditions is limited and requires larger studies to confirm the benefits.
  • While there is no proof that needle therapy is witchcraft that will fix everything, there does appear to be some evidence that it is a suitable treatment for individuals with many ailments and illnesses.
  • It’s been around for over 2,500 years, and as exploration evolves, so will our insight into exactly what works and what doesn’t.

Acupuncture Cost for weight loss

A working-class man’s main concern with any treatment is whether it is affordable and affordable. Although the cost differs from each specialist to the consultant, it is a reasonable cost for each meeting.

Acupuncture for weight loss: Results and Reviews

It is not expected from individuals who think that a single session needle treatment is sufficient to see results. The same goes for needle therapy, just as you may not see results within a day of hitting the gym or starting to avoid excessive food intake. Moreover, one needs to have the right mindset and some control over their eating patterns to see results.

Patients who want to lose approximately 10 to 15 Kg of weight should undergo treatment for six to two months. A few visits a week at first and then less depending on how the interaction goes.

Acupuncture Point Stomach 36

Stimulation of certain points in the stomach meridian that control appetite and digestion can result in weight loss. Stomach point 36, otherwise known as the “three-mile leg,” is located just outside your shin, about 5 inches below your patella. Stimulating this acupoint can increase your body’s ability to absorb nutrients by accelerating the release of hydrochloric acid. The increase in nutrients helps you feel full and satisfied with less food, resulting in weight loss.

Acupuncture Point Spleen 6

The spleen meridian manages the balance of fluids in the body. If you tend to retain water or feel bloated all the time, stimulating points along this meridian can help bring your system back to proper water balance. The acupoint, spleen 6, otherwise known as the “three yin crossover,” is located on the inside of the lower leg about 5 inches above the ankle bone. It is the intersection of several meridians, and needling can release excess water retention that can result in weight loss.

Acupuncture Point Spleen 9

The spleen meridian also rules over the transformation of food into energy. When spleen 9 is stimulated, which is known as “shady side of mountain”, you can be relieved of abdominal bloat, water retention and cramps leading to immediate weight loss. This acupuncture point is located on the inside of the leg, just below the large bulge of the knee.

Acupuncture Point Conception Vessel 12

The conception vessel runs down the center of the front of the body. It is in charge of the energy flow, including the rate of metabolism. It also governs all major changes of your life. Otherwise known as the “center of power”, conception vessel 12 lies about halfway between your sternum and belly button. Your acupuncturist might use this acupuncture point to help you lose weight by relieving chronic indigestion or constipation. This acupuncture point can also help strengthen your digestive track and calm emotional stresses that leads to digestive upset.

Combine Acupuncture With Healthy Lifestyle

Being overweight or obese is not a simple issue; it is also not easy to fix. Focus on optimal health  through proper nutrition, an active lifestyle, and utilizing stress management techniques. Integrative approaches such as acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine are additional resources that can help manage your weight.

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