The Healing Of Chinese Nutrition
Chinese nutrition presents the wisdom of the ancient Chinese who were very much in tune with their bodies and their environment.
They lived by the principle of being in harmony with Nature and maintaining balance in every aspect of life, especially diet. Their knowledge and experience were preserved through generations and further refined into what we now know as Chinese nutrition. This is both a healing system and a disease prevention system. The advantage of Chinese nutrition lies in its flexibility in adapting to every individual’s needs in the prevention of disease, and treatment of the whole person.
Chinese nutrition takes into consideration such factors as method of preparation, body type, season and one’s geographical location in determining the appropriate diet.
When you come to visit us, we will evaluate your constitution type combined with your condition and your diet and teach you simple ways to live a balanced life, not only by addressing food, but also your lifestyle and the behaviors that are preventing you from becoming the healthiest person you are meant to be.

ZYTO Biocommunication Scans
We use ZYTO Electrodermal Screening to measure your body’s “Galvanic Skin Response” (GSR) or fluctuations in the electrical conductivity of the skin. It starts with a baseline “reading” and then uses that base to compare responses from additional impulses it sends. This tool can help provide a overall picture of your health and nutrition wellness. The software analyzes GSR data for patterns of coherence, fluctuations or shift in response to each impulse it sends. This can help identify gaps from the baseline scan and where there are potential health issues.
To read the full article on the ZYTO Scan, see our blog post.